European Boating Industry (EBI) represents the recreational boating and nautical tourism industry in Europe, which encompasses the following subsectors:
boatbuilders (building motorboats, sailing boats, yachts, personal watercraft, and other recreational boats)
engine manufacturers
equipment manufacturing
refit and maintenance companies
boat dealers and importers
marinas and yacht harbours
boat charter and rental companies
water sports rental companies
other related companies
European waters count at least 6 million boats, 36 million regular boaters and over 10,000 inland and coastal marinas. The European recreational boating industry is made up of 32,000 companies (predominantly SMEs) which directly employ over 280,000 people. The sector is a key contributor to tourism and to local economies in coastal and island regions, and Europe is an important exporter of recreational boating products.
EBI is made up of the national associations representing the recreational boating industry in Europe, in addition to several individual organisations as sustaining members. More information about membership options can be found here. As an established stakeholder at EU level, EBI's mission is to advance and represent a sustainable boating and nautical tourism industry #MadeInEurope.