Member Overview
Contact Information

Avalon Pay
7 Bell Yard
London, England
United Kingdom

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Telephone: 0333050130

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Avalon Pay

Avalon Pay is the parking app for boats.

Recieve smartphone payments for your visitor moorings and slipway launching.


Avalon Pay provides a self service payment system for visiting skippers to register their vessels and make payment on their smartphone. The system can be used for mooring payments, slipway launching, harbour dues and more.


Skippers scan a QR code, enter their boat details, take a picture of their vessel and make payment. The process takes 60 seconds (20 seconds for returning vessels) and doesn’t require downloading an app or creating an account.


Making payment frictionless and requiring vessels to be registered drastically increases payments rates. Allowing skippers to be self-sufficient significantly reducing staffing time.


Avalon Pay helps harbours and marinas to maximise payment rates, increase revenue and reduce costs.

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